McDaniel Service, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Drain Cleaning’

The Risks of Blocked Drains

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Blocked drains are more than just a nuisance—they can become a serious concern for any homeowner. At McDaniel Service, Inc., we handle these issues daily, providing peace of mind with expert drain cleaning in Reston, VA. We understand the frustration and potential hazards of blocked drains and are here to help, 24/7.

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3 Signs You Have a Drain Clog In the Making

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

You are in the middle of making dinner and suddenly your sink stops draining, making washing dishes or vegetables nearly impossible. Or you are taking a shower and notice that the bathtub is filling up around your feet even though the drain isn’t plugged. What’s going on??

The quick answer: you’ve got a drain clog! And while we know that you might like to go for a quick solution, namely a chemical drain cleaner, we’d advise against it. These liquids are often more harmful than helpful.

We want to explain why drain cleaning in Manassas, VA is your best long-term solution for addressing and even preventing drain clogs.

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Give Yourself the Gift of Clean Drains

Monday, December 13th, 2021

If you could do something that ensured your peace of mind this holiday season, would you do it? The answer is probably yes. You may be surprised to discover that cleaning out your home’s drains is one of the ways that you can help yourself relax this season and beyond.

Your drains go through a lot and eventually all the things they deal with can build up. This can wear down on your drains and increase the chance of leaks but it can also create a more immediate problem: clogs! Clogs are everyone’s worst fear when they have guests. You don’t want to have to stop the festivities to get rid of backed-up wastewater and take a plunger to your drain.

Avoid the problem of clogs and slow drainage with a drain cleaning service provided by our team.

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