McDaniel Service, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Alexandria’

3 Signs You Need a New AC

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Summer is here, and it’s the perfect time to make sure your air conditioning is up to the task of keeping you cool. At McDaniel Service, Inc, a family-owned and operated business, we pride ourselves on providing reliable and high-quality air conditioning services at reasonable prices. We also offer free estimates on replacements, making it easy for you to make informed decisions about your cooling needs. Here are some signs you might need our air conditioner installation services in Alexandria.

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These 3 Pipe Problems Require a Professional Plumber ASAP

Monday, September 18th, 2023

Every homeowner encounters plumbing issues at some point in their lives. While some minor problems can be fixed with a little DIY know-how, there are certain pipe problems that should never be underestimated.

Attempting to handle these issues on your own can lead to costly and potentially harmful consequences. Let’s take a look at three pipe problems that demand immediate plumbing service in Alexandria, VA.

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How to Prepare Your Home for Air Conditioner Installation

Monday, September 4th, 2023

The thought of a cool and comfortable home becomes a top priority throughout the summer months. If you’ve decided to invest in an air conditioner, congratulations! Proper ac installation in Alexandria, VA, is key to making sure you get the optimal performance and longevity of your new cooling system. To make the process smooth and efficient there are a few steps you can take to prepare your home. Let’s take a look at what you can do to prepare.

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3 Household Tips For Clogged Drains

Thursday, June 29th, 2023

Dealing with a clogged drain in Alexandria, VA can be a frustrating experience for any homeowner. Whether it’s a slow drain in the kitchen sink or a backed-up shower drain, a clog can disrupt your daily routine and even cause potential damage if left unaddressed.

While calling a professional plumber is always an option, there are several effective household tips you can try before reaching for the phone. Here are three simple yet effective tips to help you unclog your drains and keep your pipes flowing smoothly!

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How Bad Is a Broken Heat Exchanger?

Monday, February 20th, 2023

There’s one component in your furnace that just doesn’t mess around–that’s the heat exchanger. It might sound like a simple component like the ignition or the flame sensor, but the heat exchanger is arguably one of the most important components of your heating unit. It basically separates a dangerous furnace from a safe one, and it’s used every single time your furnace turns on.

In order for your furnace to heat your home, it needs to exchange heat between two places. At first, your furnace burns gas and heats up the air around it, but that air is terribly contaminated. Carbon monoxide, smoke, gas, and soot are floating around inside your furnace, so the heat needs to be transferred into fresh air that you can breathe safely. That’s where the heat exchanger comes in.

So, let’s talk about how important a furnace repair in Alexandria, VA might be if it includes your heat exchanger.

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Why Choose Our Team?

Monday, December 12th, 2022

We’ve written a lot about the types of services we provide, to the point where customers know us pretty well. We’re a dependable team that can provide plumbing and HVAC service with high-quality results, that’s pretty much a given. But what we’ve learned from talking to customers and people in our area is that the search for help isn’t just as simple as calling the team that comes up first when you search online.

There has to be a good reason (or several good reasons) why you might choose us over everyone else when looking for heating services in Alexandria, VA. Perhaps it’s our 24-hour emergency services hotline that picks up the phone when no other company will. Or maybe it’s the fact that our workmanship far exceeds the work that’s done by any other team you’ve called.

Regardless, we want to make the decision easy for you. Let’s talk about why you might choose our team over another one in the area.

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A Heater Tune-Up Can Keep You Safe

Monday, October 24th, 2022

There are a lot of benefits that come from getting maintenance each year for your heater. This service is something you can think of as being like those yearly dentist office visits: they help keep things in better condition and prevent bigger problems.

And preventing those bigger issues comes with a secondary benefit: it helps keep your heater working safely. This is because some of those issues can become safety hazards that can harm the people in the home. If you haven’t scheduled heater maintenance in Alexandria, VA then it is a good idea to do so now in order to guarantee the safe operation of your heater along with other benefits we’ll talk about below.

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These 3 Issues Mean Big AC Trouble

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

We are inching closer to fall. However, we still have a good amount of time left before things start to cool down. This is going to mean that your air conditioner is still highly important in keeping you comfortable. However, now that it is later in the summer season, there is a higher chance that your AC is going to encounter some major problems.

Here are some of the issues that your AC may be starting to encounter. If any of these problems sound familiar in how they are impacting your AC and, by default, your home comfort, it means now is the time to schedule an AC repair in Alexandria, VA before you need to schedule a replacement.

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You Shouldn’t Lose Refrigerant!

Monday, June 27th, 2022

Something is wrong with your air conditioner. This is the last thing you want to discover now that summer is officially here and you need your system working at its best. However, that should be good motivation to get this problem resolved promptly. So, what’s going on?

Even with maintenance each year, your system will need the occasional air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA. One repair it may need is to address a refrigerant leak. Didn’t know that losing refrigerant was bad news? Don’t worry you aren’t the first. But we do want to fill you in on what is going on with your system when it loses refrigerant and why it is something you should absolutely be concerned about.

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What a Professional Does During an AC Installation

Monday, June 13th, 2022

Is it really worth it to schedule an AC installation in Alexandria, VA with a professional technician? The short answer is yes!

The installation of your next air conditioner is going to make or break the effectiveness, efficiency, and longevity of this system. A good installation can help you get the most from your air conditioner while a bad one will leave you disappointed over the next several years.

Rather than point out what an amateur might do wrong, we’re going to show you how valuable a professional AC installation is by telling you what an expert will do right.

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