McDaniel Service, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘furnace service’

What Does a Booming Furnace Indicate?

Monday, February 21st, 2022

You go turn on your furnace and hear the system respond, but you aren’t getting any heat. Then, after a few minutes, you hear what sounds like a small explosion in your furnace. It’s disconcerting to hear, but it may help to know that we are familiar with this issue. Your furnace won’t explode. However, if you hear a boom coming from your furnace when you try to get it running, it does mean that you have a problem in the system that requires professional furnace service in Springfield, VA.

Booming is just one of the noises you really don’t want to hear from your furnace heater. Let’s look at why booming is bad news for your furnace and explore some other noises that mean trouble your system.

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