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Why You Should Schedule Heater Maintenance ASAP

Fall is right around the corner and so is the cool weather that comes with the changing seasons. When the cold sets in, you’ll want to make sure that the heater in your home is ready to provide some warmth to keep things comfortable. One of the best ways to accomplish this goal is by scheduling heating maintenance in Springfield, VA with a team like ours.

We are proud to provide comprehensive heating services to homes like yours. Maintenance is a part of this and we offer it for a good reason. Or, rather, we offer maintenance for multiple good reasons. Read on to learn how you’d benefit from booking a tune-up for your heater today and then reach out to us to get your visit on the calendar.

How Maintenance Helps You and Your Heater

We wouldn’t tell people to have their systems maintained just because. We want you to schedule this service for a reason: it helps! Here’s how:

  • Keeps up your system’s efficiency level: Regular annual maintenance is going to help your system in keeping up a better energy efficiency level. This is because it addresses a variety of problems in the system before they worsen, preventing a loss of up to 5% of your system efficiency.
  • Reduces the chances of repair needs: Those small problems in your heating system aren’t going to stay small the more time that passes. That is why maintenance is so important. By addressing small inefficiencies such as dust build-up, you are going to be less likely to encounter repair needs. In fact, maintenance can prevent up to 85% of the possible repairs your system might need over the course of its lifespan.
  • Improves your system’s effectiveness: By scheduling a tune-up now you are also going to be able to enjoy a heater that works at its best, rather than battling with problems that undermine the heating process.
  • Keeps your energy bills manageable: Maintenance improves your system’s energy efficiency and that is going to reflect on your energy bills too. A more efficient heater is going to cost less to run over the years.
  • Maximizes your system’s lifespan: Speaking of the number of years that you are able to use your heater, maintenance will help with that too. A well-maintained heater is going to be more likely to make it beyond the 10-year minimum and can make it to 15 years old before it needs replacement. Plus, it will operate safely throughout all of this too.

Schedule Your Tune-Up Today

We want to give you a slight warning: the longer that you wait to schedule your heater maintenance, the harder it can be to get an appointment. That is because our calendar is going to start filling up the closer we get to colder weather.

With this in mind, it is a great idea to get your system maintenance appointment on the books now. After all, even if it feels early, this just means that you will know without a doubt that your system is ready when the cold really sets in.

Schedule your appointment with McDaniel Service, Inc. Service is our middle name 

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